Henry and Owen Turned One Today!
The boys eagerly awaiting the birthday celebrations to commence.
What a year it has been. Long days make for short years. Never more true than in for us this year. We truly are blessed in what we have and how far the boys have come. Henry now sees his cardiologist on a quarterly schedule. He is doing amazing - amazing enough to say that he is healthy, happy and lives life just like his brothers do. He remains on one sole medication - propranolol - a low dose to manage his blood pressure. Besides that, he requires nothing out of the ordinary.
We continue to marvel at, and appreciate the unbelievable and unconditional support we have from our friends and family as well as our medical team ( who we now also consider our friends ). It's remarkable how supportive you all have been and remain. The greetings, good wishes and sentiments sent to us today are all very well received and appreciated. We have indeed all been in this together, and we thank you for standing with us.
For those families whose journey is just beginning, please take solace in knowing that your milestones await. It's a long tunnel to look down, but the light will come - faster than you know. We are available should you wish to speak with a family that has been down a very bumpy road, and with friends and family, prevailed. Please consider us your friends and allow us to pay forward what our friends have done for us. Stay strong. Stay positive.
Here a few pics of the boys first birthday party
two cakes - Marzipan sock monkeys for each
Henry with the Cranky Bear book
Mommy and her devoted fan club - Me, Henry, Owen and Magnus
Henry Today - hitting the milestones on nearly the same day as his twin brother Owen.
So excited to come downstairs to see the new Bouncy House and slide!
The Birthday Cakes!
Fun in their new Bouncy House
A Tough to get Family Picture
henry enjoying his Cake and Ice Cream
Owen with his birthday Hat
Two Lawnmowers from the Gardners, but lets fight over this one :)
Magnus with Silly String - basement cleared and ready for the Bouncy House!