Friday, November 9, 2012

Henry is Trending Positively

Henry started his day in a positive direction. He was still very groggy and was confused, but generally better. Here he is having a little juice.

The juice went in - came out - went in - came out...... With all the narcotics, sedatives, thinners and generally issues post surgery, it's not hard to understand that it takes a while to even everything back out.

He had an echo today to investigate some pacing issues. There was a concern that he might have some issues from surgery - a leaky valve was one possible reason he might have had pacing issues. The echo showed NO Issues of the sort. What a relief. No answer to why there was a pacing issue, but likely just post surgical swelling. We'll see over the next few days.

He is doing really well - inch by inch, brick by brick, row by row - he is trending in the right direction - never directly, but always generally in the right direction.

Thanks for your rallying cry. Henry heard it - Henry feels it. We feel it! We are deeply grateful to all you guys.

Short update for today - we are pretty tired....but we are also doing just fine. thanks

Henry enjoying a little sponge on a stick soaked in cold water .... yummy

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