Henry delighted to be out of the PICU moving to 4C ICE
Time for a short update this evening. We are exhausted from the stress and emotions of the past few days, but mostly we are so relieved that Henry seems to have turned the corner. Yesterday, he was tired of everyone prodding him, testing him, monitoring him and it got to the point that anytime anyone other than Mommy or Daddy approached, Henry arched his back, held his breath, and would need to be forced to breath -- the result -- a terrifying bluish grey facial colour, exhaustion for Henry and terror for us. These moments were among the most stressful we have had with Henry. We were helpless - he needed all the prodding, testing and monitoring, so we needed to watch him get through this.

Waiting to move to 4C ICE
Henry had a restful night, though, and now seems to have the reserve to have people around (and still breath). He has been happy and playful, though he is still sleeping periodically throughout the day. He was quite swollen for much of the day (from the surgery and being on bypass - this is common). He is now on a diuretic to help him pee this off. His eyes were swollen like a boxer, but he looks better this evening. We moved to a step down unit quite early in the day (care is now 1 nurse to every 2 patients or so, rather than 1:1). Henry decided he didn't need his NG tube (which goes through his nose down into his stomach), so he pulled that out early in the day.... the only surprise to us is how he has the multitude of other lines and drains and hasn't pulled any of them. He does look at the oxygen saturation probe on his foot with the bright orange light and sing with delight, "Light!!!". Glimmers of his regular self are starting to come back.
We will post a few pictures later or tomorrow, but just wanted to make sure you all know how much your support helps and much we feel it. Henry really is on the mend now.
Enjoying some morning milk
At his hew 'home' in 4C ICE
His Teddy Bear from Shelly patiently waits for his friend Henry to Return
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