Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Henry and Owen are 4!!

It's hard to imagine where the days and years have gone as we write the subject line today... Nothing like having kids to demonstrate the passage of time before your very eyes.

In a word, things are great with our family and with Henry.  We continue to take him for cardiology visits every 6 months.  Each visit Henry has echocardiography (ultrasound), an ECG (to check his heart rhythm), and a clinical/bedside exam with Dr. Fruitman (who is usually accompanied by a student or two).  All continues to go well.  We know that at some point, around the age of 5, Henry will need a 'parts change' - the conduit in his heart does not grow as his blood vessels do, so the surgeons will go in & change this piece to a larger one. This will necessitate another open heart surgery. We push this fact to the deepest depths of our consciousness as it is too much to fathom the thought... We will have that worry when the time comes...Henry is growing and developing just like his brothers and we have seen no limitations in his physical activities (as Hal would say, "Henry finishes half the fights he starts"). Henry took skating lessons in the winter and we all enjoyed the backyard rink. He also 'plays' U4 soccer.
We don't know if anyone reads the blog anymore, but we always want to provide encouragement & information that may hopefully help a parent or friend or family in some way. When we were in the thick of things with Henry's surgeries, it sometimes felt so overwhelmingly scary that we wondered how much more we could take or if we could even get through the current stress and worry... but you can, you will, and you do. In those most stressful times, we try our best to deal with only the current facts and worries. It is easy to let your thoughts run away into all the possible complications and things that could happen. There are really hard times and then life goes back to normal... In the stress, you wonder if it will ever get easier or if you will be able to recover (along with your child's recovery). In our experience, it will get easier. The regular visits to the cardiologist get easier because their fear lessens (if you are currently holding them down for their Echo and ECG, just know this won't always be the case. We used to come out of a 90 minute appointment sweating and completely emotionally spent - just from managing Henry on the table so they could complete the assessments they needed to). Now, he may cover his eyes as they are passing the ultrasound probe across his chest, but he is mostly content and we are just sitting... there's no longer a big physical effort :)
We feel so blessed and lucky to live in a place with among the best cardiac specialists & surgeons in the world. That also provides a lot of comfort. 
Henry having his Echo


Henry & Daddy waiting for Dr. Fruitman

Trying on the blood pressure cuff. This used to be a disaster, but now Daddy can put it on and Henry is all smiles!

Henry adores Dr. Fruitman, his cardiologist

Henry & Daddy checking out the fish tank...part of the regular visit to Children's Hospital

Daddy, Henry and Owen out for a Sunday ride

Heading up the Sulphur Mountain Gondolla
Henry looks like this most of the time - all smiles!
Hanging by the river on a sunshiney summer day.

Henry and Owen's 1st day of Pre-School - September 2014

First bike race!!
Summer fun at Calloway Park...another family favourite
It's all about "The Batman" these days in our house
Mexico, May 2015  Boys and water... enough said!
Checking out a parrot with Daddy (Mexico)
Henry was the only one of the boys to give it a go at holding the parrot
Hangin' in the pool in Mexico

If it wasn't the pool, it was the beach!!

Happy 4th Birthday Henry & Owen (June 10/15)
New bikes and helmets!!
Henry getting some help from Daddy

Our lovely neighbors let the boys use their trampoline. One of their favourite activities!!
Ready for rodeo days at pre-school

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