Monday, November 7, 2011

Henry's next big surgery is Nov. 18 .

( Henry enjoying time with Omi )

We knew it was coming, but this has come too soon, and yet not soon enough. We are completely conflicted - worry or relief, relief or worry. 

Henry will have his next surgery next week on November 18. The emotions of his last surgery are still deeply within us, with little time to gain strength. The constant quiet worry that continues makes this early surgery a blessing. His dropping O2 sats and his need to be on oxygen underscore that Henry needs this surgery soon. Again, there are not decisions to make. 

Henry has done so well since coming home. He has grown to over 12.5 lbs since his 4 lb. 14 oz birth. He is meeting all of his milestones nearly on the same days as Owen his twin brother does. He smiles, he coos, he wiggles. We are so proud of little Henry and his amazing ability to be happy, and of Owen and Magnus who stand by Henry's side.

We are not yet sure exactly what the next surgery will be for Henry. Even with 3d Echos, MRI's and the best team of cardiologists and surgeons, his surgery will ultimately be decided on the day, by the surgeon - Dr. Ross. This is more than a little bit painful for us to bare. How can we truly prepare, when we will only know what Henry must endure after the surgeon emerges from the operating room?

We will leave on the 16th. Please say a big prayer for our Henry, Magnus's second banana, Owen's dear twin, our deeply loved son,  for another strong performance and successful second surgery.


  1. sounds like a necessary surgery that will only make him stronger. Henry is going to do amazing - he has too much love and support from his family and friends for anything but. Thinking of you guys!!

  2. Happy 5 months birthday to Henry and Owen. Good work Henry, almost tripling your birth weight after blazing through surgery #1, and good job Owen, starting out behind on the scales and catching right up.
    Jill and Hal, we’re thinking of you, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to ease your Edmonton visit. Hoping that your anxiety about the coming surgery is occasionally relieved by memories of the happy and routine days that have passed between July and November. Those days will come again.
