After a long and anxious drive through the massive Alberta windstorms, we arrived at Ronald McDonald house yesterday. We had forgotten the trauma to some degree, but the feelings came rushing back quickly. This whole experience is like walking through a war zone, the soldiers are children, the field medics are parents - cleaning wounds, sorting medications, preparing food and changing soiled clothes. Unlike a war zone, there is only love and no enemy, except for disease, injury and 'defect'.
After setting up camp, and a visit from good friends Kyle and Natasja ( Natasja looked after Magnus today and will again tomorrow - with their cute daughter Zoe, same age as Magnus ), we fed, washed and began a bedtime routine. No small task with 3 boys, under two, over tired, and in a new environment all in one room. All told, the routine continued for the night. At least one was always unsettled or stirring. Between the two of us, we made our way through, but with no sleep whatsoever. It's not good to be this tired in this volatile and emotional place, but again, there are no choices.
PAC (Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic)
Today we attended 6 hours of preparations for Henry’s surgery: weigh/measure, ECG, bloodwork, chest x-ray, social work visit, talk with Dr. Ross and with the anaesthetist Mark Gale. A long morning after a sleepless night for all of us. The “talk” with Dr. Ross didn’t feel as horrifying as last time. There are two options for the surgery and they won’t know until they are in what is the best one. We will only know tomorrow what is best. Does the surgeon choose the 'play to win, all in option' or does he choose the 'play not to loose option' - at least that is sometimes how it feels. Practically speaking, he will choose the best option for Henry - and either way, Henry will need more surgeries in the coming years.
Cindy guided us through the process today. She is lovely, and the boys took a big shine to her right away. She certainly has a way about her, and has chosen the right profession!
Dr. Ross was pleased to see how Henry is doing and how well he has grown. He is quite positive that Henry will do well in surgery, whichever surgery is chosen - Yasui or Norwood/Glen/ Fontan....
We will bring this Four Leaf Clover along tomorrow, from Brian and Jean, hand picked by Brian on Salt Spring Island a few weeks ago.
On a different note - here is a this years Santa Pic - Santa insisted we join the Picture ( 3 boys was too many for Santa this time, with Henry's oxygen and all ). He insisted that Jill sit on his knee. Maybe Hal's ridiculous Movember Mustache sent Santa a message that Hal was just an awkward teenager? ). Magnus was NOT going to get any closer to Santa than the barricades without some family support.
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