Henry went to go see his Cardiologist Dr. Fruitman yesterday. He sure loves her. All smiles all the time. As a matter of fact, he loves them all there. Patty too. Just to be on the safe side, since there was a delay, and we had begun to 'chase the O2 numbers' with more and more O2 flow, it was prudent to have a little check up. Henry is doing well, and as a matter of fact, his O2 requirement is back down to 1/4 litre.
We had been starting to feel like we were working hard just to keep Henry alive to get him to his surgery. That is a very overwhelming and burdensome feeling. Turns out, Henry in fact is doing really well. He will move strongly into the next couple of weeks.
We have been isolating ourselves somewhat, due to our agenda of keeping germs at bay. Not typical for us, but if anyone in our house gets sick, has a cold, runny nose etc, this would be a big problem for Henry's surgery. We need to be sure to be free of all sickness. At this time of year, that is always tentative... We will do our best of course.
We've decided to see the upside of this delay. Henry will be bigger and also stronger for this next surgery. They had hoped he would be 5.5 kg for it - yesterday he was 6.0 kg. Maybe he will be 6.5 kg by then? Who knows. I doubt he shrinks though :)
It's really clear to us how blessed we are to have friends and family supporting us like you all do. We can't effectively thank you all enough for the support, the prayers, the help, the kindness and the love. You have made it so much easier by staying with us through this. In fact this delay has prompted offers of MORE help from those we had scheduled, and more people offering to help.
It's hard to ask for help, especially if you are not used to asking. It is even harder to accept it. We have had to 'learn to receive'. That sounds odd, but it is not a skill we are necessarily good at. We have had to get much better at it, and for those that have had the patience to help us learn, to offer help in tangible ways and in ways that we simply have to accept, we thank you a million times over. You have helped us immensely.
Our job from here til then is to keep Henry healthy, have him grow and to stay positive. Yesterday was a slip in that mentality for some of the day, but we are back on track today. Thanks for all your patience and support.
Henry remains a very happy and smiley baby. Magnus and Owen remain proud of him as do Mommy and Daddy.
Here are the twins with Mommy this morning.
Our Best wishes today to Chris and Janice Hooper! Can't wait to meet the little one soon! That's one lucky little baby coming into the world and into the arms of an amazing family!
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